This Musician Wrote the Jingle for ABC's "Modern Family" (VIDEO)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Modern Family
Did you catch ABC's new show "Modern Family" last night?

If you didn't fastforward through the credits, you would have seen that the show's composer is a Penn alum (and DT favorite!)

Find out who!

Gabriel MannGabriel Mann (C'95, Off the Beat)!

Listen to Gabe's music and his vocals ("hey, hey") for the show's jingle in the video above!

ABC certainly loves Gabe!

Incidentally, I thought the show was funny and really well done.  It was very creative to see how the show's writers introduces us to each set of unique characters and then weaves their stories together.

And look out for another Penn alum to guest star in the coming months!


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