1 Week Left To Win a DVD with Beach Swag!

Friday, October 24, 2008

There's only one week left in my October contest to win a Forgetting Sarah Marshall gift package including a Forgetting Sarah Marshall DVD, beach bag, beach towel, cd and t-shirt!

To enter, all you need to do is "SUGGEST A (Penn) FRIEND " to me using the link on facebook.

  1. Click this link to suggest a Penn friend to me on Facebook 
  2. Each suggestion will be considered one entry into the contest.

Get the contest details here...+/-

*Contest Details:
  • Only Penn undergrads, alumni, staff and prospects can participate
  • Each "facebook suggestion" email I receive (Facebook sends me an email when you suggest a friend to me) will be considered one entry into the contest.
  • 1 winner will be chosen at random from eligible applicants to receive (via mail) the Forgetting Sarah Marshall gift package including a Forgetting Sarah Marshall DVD, beach bag, beach towel, cd and t-shirt.
  • Contest ends on Friday, October 31, 11:59 pm
  • How the winners will be chosen:
    To decide the winners of this competition, I will place each entry into a numbered list in the order the entrants' "suggest a friend" email from facebook was received. Using Research Randomizer, I will first select one random entry (according to their number) to determine who will win. I will contact the winner about his/her prize as soon as the draw is completed and will announce the winner on this blog soon after.
  • Winner will be notified via facebook the week of November 1
Want it now? Get Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Three-Disc Unrated Collector's Edition)Forgetting Sarah Marshall

For other Penn folks who want to donate a prize for a future DT contest, email me at merosler@gmail.com

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READ MORE - 1 Week Left To Win a DVD with Beach Swag!

Top 10 Time Wasting, Yet Entertaining On-Campus Videos

Students through time have engaged in all sorts of entertainment on campus to amuse themselves (and us!) to avoid doing work ...or at least to make work more bearable!

Below I list the top 10 Time Wasting, Yet Entertaining On-Campus Videos ...with a #1 that has to take the cake!

Click here to view the list!

One more week to enter my October contest!

10) Superblock streaking (no video on this one, but take a look anyway :) )

9) Flash Mobs

8) Rippin it up at Penn like you've never seen

7) Battling it out on Locust walk

6) The midnight dancers of Harrison College House

5) Pretending to be James Bond in Kings Court

4) Backflipping off the DuelingTampons

3) Dance to "OK Go" for a Class Presentation

2) While back in 2005, these guys used duct tape in a very creative way....

1) It's THIS number one video below that just came my way which takes THE cake when it comes to duct tape and entertainment!  Enjoy "Taping Girl To Wall":

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Jordan's Jive: Jobless and Without a Girlfriend

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Earlier this month, on campus recruiting was happening at Penn.  As you'll see in the vlog above and below, nothing seemed to come of it for this senior.  Was it the tough Financial market or his GPA? What's a college senior to do? Listen to Jordan's vlog to listen to his thoughts!

University of PennsylvaniaThis reminds me of when I was a senior and we had the old fashioned "drop" boxes where you went to Career Services and literally dropped your resume in the appropriate wooden box slots.  I believe these days everything is electronic.

...Anyway, back in the day, I think I got one interview with some marketing company and tried to convince them why I'd be good for the company.  At the time I remember I wasn't even convincing myself as my real plan at the time was to move out to Los Angeles and try the whole entertainment (acting/writing) path. Read my advice and others' advice about pursuing a career in writing.

More of my Now and Then Thursday posts here!

More Vlogs from Penn alumni and undergrads here!

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READ MORE - Jordan's Jive: Jobless and Without a Girlfriend

Penn Students Go Viral with "Don't Vote" Video

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yesterday I posted about some alumni that created four political viral videos that have gotten over 1 million hits!

Now news of more politically themed viral videos from undergrads! A few weeks back, there was a celebrity filled "don't vote" video that hit the web (below) ...and now Penn students have decided to create their own version of it. Check it out above!

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READ MORE - Penn Students Go Viral with "Don't Vote" Video

Penn Puts Out a Great Video For Prospects ...and Alumni Who Miss Penn

Penn just put out this great video detailing "the undergraduate experience at the University of Pennsylvania". Great for any Penn prospect ...or alum looking to relive some of their golden days at Penn.

I remember the videoTAPE that was sent to me when I was in high school. If memory serves me correctly this video seems way more cinematic and engaging! Great work Admissions and Alumni Relations!

Speaking of Penn admissions and everything alumni, check out these new websites and info Penn just put out for prospects and alumni!:
  • Great Financial aid video here 
  • New to Facebook: QUAKERNET (Penn’s Alumni Online Community) - Get it here!
  • Newly Redesigned Admissions Website
  • "Check out the Opinion Forum where we address new questions and topics. Browse our FAQs and advice on numerous topics: academic preparation; early decision vs. regular decision; getting to know Penn; tips for the campus visit; a guide to Penn resources, and much more!"
  • View the Admissions annual newsletter below, reflecting Penn's most recent selection cycle, and commenting on some ventures Penn faces in the current admissions cycle.

...Did the above video inspire you to visit Penn? Check out all the activities planned for this Homecoming 2008 (October 31 and November 1) including:
Check out what else is happening on campus

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READ MORE - Penn Puts Out a Great Video For Prospects ...and Alumni Who Miss Penn

Three Alumni Go Viral with "No on Prop 8" Celebrity Videos

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

On November 4th, Californians will be asked to make a monumental civil rights decision around the issue of same-sex marriage.

Last week, three Los Angeles based Penn alumni decided to take action against this Proposition 8.  Executive producers Todd Shotz (C'96) and Andrew Oldershaw (C'02), as well as writer/director  Dan Kay (C'97) created four very viral PSAs against this proposition including the talents of Margaret Cho and Molly Ringwald.  FYI, Dan Kay wrote and directed the one with Margaret Cho (see above).

Since they debuted these videos, they have gotten over a million hits on Perez Hilton, Huffington Post, People.com, and E! Online. Yesterday, Wolf Blitzer showed one of them on CNN. Because of the response, they're already deep into pre-production on more.

Per Todd, "We could not have hoped for more coverage to add our support to this campaign. Enjoy! And of course, please vote NO on Prop 8."

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READ MORE - Three Alumni Go Viral with "No on Prop 8" Celebrity Videos

Why She Tried Out For The Amazing Race and More!

The Amazing Race

Recently, I chatted a bit with Amazing Race contestant (still in the game!), Sarah Leshner (C'98, W'01) after my post about her HERE.

...On why and how she tried out for The Amazing Race:
"A friend suggested to me that I apply for the Amazing Race given that I love to travel, am spontaneous, pretty fearless... so my boyfriend and I looked up online how to apply, but NEVER thought we'd be selected! We mailed a video into a PO Box in Los Angeles, and I figured that's just not the way teams are actually chosen. 2 months later, we got a call that our tape had "caught their eye" and it was a whirlwind after that. 2 months of phone interviews, a second video, and a week-long stay in LA doing interviews and tests secured our spot among the 11 teams :)"
...On what it's like being recognized:
"Getting recognized has been fun... a girl came up to me in the bar on Saturday and just said "OMG, are you Sarah?" Hilarious :)"

Check out the drama Sarah and Terrence got into from 2 weeks ago: "After finally getting in their taxi, Terence and Sarah can't believe how much time they lost"

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READ MORE - Why She Tried Out For The Amazing Race and More!

Gabriel Mann's Music on GREY'S ANATOMY for Second Time!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Gabriel Mann and Grey's Anatomy
If you recall, Gabriel Mann (C'95, Off the Beat) and his group The Rescues' acoustic version of their song "Crazy Ever After" was on the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy.

Well, the producers must have loved this group's music because another song of theirs was featured in last Thursday's episode too! This one comes as a relief during a very funny and awkward moment during Callie and Dr. Hahn's first date as "new lesbians"! Check out minute :56 above and you'll see what I'm talking about!

Get "My Heart With You"
The Rescues - Crazy Ever After - My Heart With You

Get "Crazy After Ever"
The Rescues - Crazy Ever After - Crazy Ever After

Get the "Crazy After Ever" album
The Rescues - Crazy Ever After

Gabriel MannRescues on Myspace

More of my past Gabriel Mann posts!

Other Penn musicians here

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READ MORE - Gabriel Mann's Music on GREY'S ANATOMY for Second Time!

Kevin's Vlog #6: He's on Sasha Baron Cohen Watch!

Over the past couple of months here on DT, Kevin Shapiro (C'12) has been vlogging about his experiences as a freshman at Penn.

In this recent Vlog above, Kevin talks about
  • a possible rumored sighting of Sasha Baron Cohen as "Bruno" on campus (More here! ...Anyone know anything more about this? )
  • the changing of a Fall campus
  • his need for sleep!
Check out all of Kevin's Vlogs here

Check out what else is happening on campus

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READ MORE - Kevin's Vlog #6: He's on Sasha Baron Cohen Watch!



