Mitch Teplitsky's (C'80) (in photo to left) got a great story to tell...documentary style.
Featured in
Pennfest 2004, Mitch's documentary
Soy Andina, tells the story of two New York women raised in different worlds -- an immigrant folk dancer from the Andes, and a modern dancer from Queens, NY -- who return to Peru in search of roots and dance.
Click to check out Mitch's trailer!Check out Mitch's siteCheck out some quotes from the movieClick here to check out other Penn documentary filmmakers
Some quotes Mitch has passed on to me from people who have seen the film:
"I just got back from a screening of "Soy Andina" at Lincoln Center. What an inspirational, moving film! I was on the verge of tears throughout the entire screening (happy, proud tears) I was born in Peru and grew up in NY. Your film made me miss my country and reignited the desire to share my culture with my son. Thank you Mitch! By the way, any updates on Cynthia? I really liked her character and a small part of me felt connected to her since I grew up in Queens and my son is half Puerto Rican like her...a Peru Rican :)" - Seanna
"Congratulations on the Lincoln center events. You are an inspiration to all of us in your dedication to your creative spirit. I am planning to be at the Sept 18th showing."- Bill Grover
"I have been following Soy Andina website for quite some time now. I found it by accident surfing the web. It imediately hit a cord with me since I am also half peruvian and have had a desire to discover my roots. Unfortunately I live in the San Francisco area and have not been able to see the movie but am anxiously waiting its arrival. My brother was living in New York and I told him about it. He went to the premiere and loved it. I think it was part of the reason he decided to go to Peru in May for the first time."- Tania
"I love that you made a movie that most of the world, not just LASA Peru Section members, can connect with. The protagonist is so very approachable. We were all youngsters once) and her struggles were different enough to be interesting but similar enough to connect enough. College audiences will act too cool to be moved by the film but they won't forget it. And it's true -- dancing tondero CAN be dangerous."- Tom
"I lived and worked in Peru from 2005-2007 and loved your youtube clips - they brought back lots of memories, and tears to my eyes actually." - Laura"
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