DT's B&P: 6 Reasons Why ABC Is Really Loving On Penn Alumni This Week

Friday, September 25, 2009

UPennThis week the "The Mouse House" (ABC/Disney) is all about the red and the blue.

From news pertaining to studio heads, actors, producers, and writers, find out what sorts of waves Penn alumni are making this week!

6 Reasons Why ABC is Really Loving on Penn Alumni this week:

Continued speculation of Rich Ross (C'83) taking over as Studio Head for Disney (ABC related)

There were further talks this week of Disney even splitting up the role of studio chief.  More HERE

FYI, Rich was a Penn in Pictures panelist back in 2003.  Event photos HERE!

Robert Gant
Robert Gant (C'90, Penn Six) played a drug mule (a bit different than his role as the Good Humor man HERE) on ABC's "Castle" premiere episode this week.  Watch his scene below:

And tune in this Monday, 10pm when Robert appears on CBS' "CSI:Miami"

More of my Robert Gant posts HERE

ABC gave Josh Goldsmith (C'93) and Cathy Yuspa a pilot commitment for a 30 minute sitcom called "18 Years" about a young married couple adjusting to new their role as parents.

Josh was was the Executive Producer of "The King of Queens", wrote What Women Want and was a Penn in Pictures 2002 panelist.

Writer Sherri Cooper Landsman's (C'94) ABC show "Brothers and Sisters" starts up again this Sunday night at 10 pm!

Brothers and Sisters
Sherri was a Penn in Pictures 2008 panelist. Watch what she had to say HERE regarding:
  • Her path from Penn to Columbia film school to Hollywood
  • What short film she did in film school, how she got her short film turned into a feature film … and how she paid for her film! (you’ve got to hear this!)
  • What she did when she moved back to LA
  • What her first writing job was in LA
  • What she does as a producer and writer on “Brothers and Sisters”
  • What it’s like in the writer’s room, what it’s like shooting scenes and how many episodes the show has to do this year

ABC/Disney is also behind Todd Lieberman (C'95, Mask and Wig, AEPi), the newly brunetted Liz Banks (C'96) and Max Handelman (C'95, AEPi)'s Surrogates film which comes out today!

Gabriel Mann
#6 (updated)
Let's not forget (like I did) the news I posted earlier this week about Gabriel Mann (C'95, Off the Beat) writing the jingle for ABC's new show "Modern Family".

Check out all of DT's Gabriel Mann videos HERE

Stacey Snider

 ...And then on a non-ABC, yet equally important note, read why Stacey Snider (C'82) is "giving new life to Dreamworks" HERE 


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