Our Alum Film Producer Shows Us A New Side of Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds and Betty White (VIDEO)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Executive Film producer Todd Lieberman (C'95, Mask and Wig, AEPi) just released this new very funny viral video to help promote his upcoming film The Proposal, which debuts June 19.

While Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are very funny in this video, it's the very naughty Betty White who steals the show. Check out the video above to see what I'm talking about!

Todd tells me that "The thing that surprises me most about this movie is not the amount of laughs that are in it but how emotional is plays. It truly is one of those movies where you laugh...and you cry."

Funny UPennCatch up on all the high profile films Todd has done and is doing HERE

More Penn film producers here

Check out my other Funny Friday posts here!


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READ MORE - Our Alum Film Producer Shows Us A New Side of Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds and Betty White (VIDEO)

Follow Real Athletes' Tweets with This Penn Alum's New Website

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sports Tweets

Hey sportsfans out there!  Don't really understand what Twitter  is, don't want to join Twitter, and/or don't know which athletes on Twitter are real or imposters?

David Katz (W'94, Varsity Basketball) just launched an innovative new site called, www.AthleteTweets.com, that aggregates all of the players and coaches Twitter feeds on one website.  Plus, AthleteTweets has validated the Twitter feeds for all athletes and posts them all in real time.  Per David, "for a sports fan this is the best reality show not on TV".

David is no novice to the web. He used to run the interactive division at CBS Television and then ran Yahoo! Sports and Entertainment. In 2007, he left Yahoo! to start SportsFanLive to create a next-generation sports site after complaining for so long how all of the other sports sites were "all the same". SportsFanLive has been described as "ESPN meets Facebook."

Check out some of the reviews David has received below:
More of my very entertaining Penn sports related posts HERE

UPennVisit www.AthleteTweets.com

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READ MORE - Follow Real Athletes' Tweets with This Penn Alum's New Website

John Legend Sees Soul In All of Us at Penn Graduation (VIDEO)

Yesterday I shared with you video from the 2009 graduation from Penn President Amy Gutmann and Google's CEO Eric Schmidt.

Now, thanks to some of my twitter and facebook friends, check out Penn graduation speaker John Legend's (C'99) very inspirational speech. Below is an excerpt from his speech which is especially moving:
"I believe that you, as graduates of this prestigious institution, the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania, have soul power. No matter what careers or hobbies you pursue after leaving here, do them with SOUL.

You are empowered to be great leaders. You are equipped--in your jobs, your hobbies, your relationships. You are equipped with the ability to think critically, to listen attentively, to navigate the gray areas, to read between the lines, to bear witness, and to lead in the pursuit of truth.

You have knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

And, as my late grandfather would say, or as the freedom fighters of the civil rights movement would SING, if you know the truth, the truth will set you free. The truth will set you free someday.

Class of 2009, your someday begins today."

My other John Legend posts (including performances at Penn this past year) HERE

Check out videos from this year and previous Penn graduations HERE

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READ MORE - John Legend Sees Soul In All of Us at Penn Graduation (VIDEO)

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt Tells Penn Graduates to Turn off Their Computer and Phones (VIDEO)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

On Monday (May 18), Eric Schmidt, Google chairman and chief executive officer, delivered the 2009 Commencement Address and talked about:
  • his gratitude for Penn for the invention of ENIAC
  • the quality of the Penn interns that work at Google
  • this generation as the Google and Facebook generation
  • how the future will have us walking around with ipods with over 85 years of video storage
  • how success is about being ready for opportunities that come before you
  • how it is important for everyone to turn off your computers and phones and discover all that is human around us
Around minute 6:15, Eric talks about how Penn was struggling 20 years ago.  I am not exactly sure what he is referring to.  Anyone want to chime in on this?

More covereage from the Daily Pennsylvanian HERE

Check out videos from this year and previous Penn graduations HERE

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READ MORE - Google Chairman Eric Schmidt Tells Penn Graduates to Turn off Their Computer and Phones (VIDEO)

8 Minutes In, the Perfect Storm Hits Penn President Amy Gutmann (VIDEO)

UPenn and Amy GutmannWhile sopping wet rainstorms have drenched previous graduation ceremonies, it was merely a gentle breeze at the 2009 graduation ceremony that caused President Amy Gutmann to become speechless.

Her carefully crafted words of wisdom were blown right from the podium into the air by the unexpected gust of wind on an otherwise beauty of a day. In seconds, the papers flying led to an outburst of cheering and applause instead of her sentence of praise toward the departing class' ability to take risks.

How did she react to the disastrous downdraft?

Just as you'd imagine from the pro we've grown to love as a wise leader and who since 2004 only keeps getting better at embracing simple elegance and sheer grace.  What followed once she won the stadium-packed audience back is just as simple, elegant and wise a message as you'll see in the above video that caught the whole thing first hand.

Check out videos from previous Penn graduations HERE

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READ MORE - 8 Minutes In, the Perfect Storm Hits Penn President Amy Gutmann (VIDEO)



