Three years ago Andrew White (C'08) started hand painting sneakers after summer of his freshman year. "It was a way for me to combine my passion for art, fashion and business (I'm in Wharton). I started driving around my town with shoes and wearing them everywhere to get people to buy them, " Andrew told me.
Before he knew it, Andrew started doing custom orders for friends and friends of friends. Soon his shoes were featured in the Penn fashion show over the past two years, and appeared in downtown Philadelphia's Topstitch (women's boutique clothing store) and Manhattan's Lower East Side's FAE ("First Among Equals" -a men's clothing boutique).
Now, Andrew's company "Last Laff" specializes in custom designed sneakers, jeans and other apparel, giving customers the ability to purchase personalized, contemporary and retro designed apparel.
Stay tuned because Andrew tells me he is expanding his business to accommodate a more "corporate feel".
Click here to check out Andrew's designs
Click here to check out other Penn illustrators
Any other Penn undergrad/alumni designers out there? Email me at!
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