Emmys mean Swagtime for Jenna Seiden (C'95)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

This Sunday's Emmys mean glitz and glamour.

But to one alum it's all about the swag. And who doesn't love a good bag of swag?

That's what Jenna Seiden (C'95) thought when she and her business partner decided to start swagtime.com, a business dedicated to celebrity swag. Their philosophy is simple, “What was exclusive is now inclusive”.

For those unaware, per Jenna, '"SWAG" stands for the products and services that celebrities are getting, giving and using." Jenna's site scours everything from the gift bags and gift lounges at award shows, charity galas, film festivals, sporting events, private celebrity functions and more to tell you about these great products and services.

And what would be a swag site without the site actually giving away swag itself?! Sign up with her site and you can win a bag of an event's actual swag yourself!

And that's not all for Jenna. She is also a video games/interactive agent at the highly reputable talent agency CAA. Per Jenna, "I now represent game developers, writers and talent who make console games and I work to take these game IPs and make movies, etc. So by day I'm gamesgirl and by night I'm swaggirl."

...On a related Emmys note, good thoughts go out to Becki Newton (C'00) on Ugly Betty being nominated for Outstanding Comedy Series.

Click to read about about Jenna's journey in Hollywood

Check out Jenna's site

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READ MORE - Emmys mean Swagtime for Jenna Seiden (C'95)

DuelingTampons.com to new readers: BEST OF!

Friday, September 14, 2007

For those subscribers of my daily emails, I hope you’ve been enjoying all the latest news about our creative Penn community.

For those new readers from today's Daily Pennsylvanian article, below are some of the highlights of what’s been going on here since I launched this site last February…

What else do you guys want to see? Click here to post your suggestions!


Matt Rosler (C’96, Mask and Wig, AEPi)

POSTS: HIGHLIGHTS (click links below)

+ Lots of Documentary Penn filmmakers..and more stories coming!

+ Lots of alumni working in TV!

+ Lots of Penn musicians …and many more I’ll be reporting on soon!

+ Gabriel Mann (C’95) on Oscars, music on TV shows, launches new album

+ Elizabeth Banks (C’96) in a slew of tv and films

VIDEOS: HIGHLIGHTS (click links below)

+ Reunion Weekend 2007 (45+ videos)

+ Mask and Wig visits Los Angeles (15+ videos)

+ Featured Alumni in Film/TV/Stage/Literary

+ Featured Alumni: Musicians

+ Vicarious walk down Locust Walk

+ Vicarious walk into Quad

VIDEO CATEGORIES: Recently Uploaded, Los Angeles Penn Events, Performing Arts, Around Campus, Spring Flings, Hey Day, Graduation, Sports, Pennfest: Emerging Penn Talent, Penn Relays, Misc: Humorous/Tips

PHOTOS: HIGHLIGHTS (click links below)

+ 5 years of Pennfest programs and photos

+ On campus construction through the years

+ Penn actors headshot gallery

+ Penn musician photo gallery

+ Penn Memoribilia from years past

+ “Me and Ben on the Bench” (upload your pic with Ben here!)

MESSAGE BOARDS: HIGHLIGHTS (click links below)

+ Stories about how alumni got their starts after college

+ Los Angeles job posts

+ New York job posts

+ Alumni Quotes

+ Alumni promoting their businesses

+ New Jobs postings on Movers, Quakers and Shakers

+ Upcoming Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia events

OTHER STUFF YOU WANT TO KNOW...(click links below)

Click here to check out who's already registered on DuelingTampons.com!

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Submitting a story to Dueling Tampons: What you need to know...

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READ MORE - DuelingTampons.com to new readers: BEST OF!

David Isser (C'01): socially relevant filmmaker

Filmmaker David Isser (C'01, Off the Beat) just took part in a 48 hour film festival for the Elevate Film Festival that premieres at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood tomorrow (Saturday, September 15).

This appears to be a great film festival! From the elevate film festival website, "It all begins with a nationwide search for socially relevant screenplays, documentary subjects, musicians and professional filmmakers. Though the directors are chosen prior to the festival, they have no clue as to what they will be shooting until they pull their project from a hat. Racing the clock, they charge into the jungles of guerilla filmmaking with 48 hours to complete a short film, documentary, or music video."

David's film is a short documentary called Making it Home, a story about a group of young homeless kids from Los Angeles, that go down to Tijuana to build a house for a needy family.

...David has been working as a freelance director and editor and has been focusing on documentaries, commercials, and psa's with a focus on projects that are socially relevant.

Click here to learn how David got started as a film director

Click here to check out other Penn documentary filmmakers

Click to see what other 2001 Penn grads are up to

Speaking of film festivals, get your ticket for Pennfest 2007!
READ MORE - David Isser (C'01): socially relevant filmmaker

DuelingTampons.com featured in Daily Pennsylvanian!

Earlier this week I was interviewed by Penn undergrad Alissa Eisenberg (C'10) for an article about DuelingTampons.com that came out in today's Daily Pennsylvanian.

Click the image above to see the article larger or click here to read the digital version in the DP online!
READ MORE - DuelingTampons.com featured in Daily Pennsylvanian!

Vote now to put Gabriel Mann (C'95) on Star98.7's CD!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

On the heels of his new album release, Tall Buildings, I just learned that Gabriel Mann's (C'95, Off the Beat) new song Unbroken is up for a vote to be included on Star 98.7's star lounge cd. (A couple of weeks ago I reported on this contest.)

Click here to listen to Unbroken and then
(Songs are in alphabetical order, so make sure you get to the "u"'s if you choose to browse through site here)

Voting begins TODAY, 9/13, and ends on 9/19, 5 pm PST. (one vote per email). If the song makes it makes it into the final 10 (with your help of course!), Gabe gets to go into another round. come now.

On a related Gabe note, Gabe's title track from his new record, "Shadows of Tall Buildings", was featured as the closing song on MTV's "The Hills."
Click here to go to The Hills Ep. 304, section: Life's hard at -2:10 until the end.

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READ MORE - Vote now to put Gabriel Mann (C'95) on Star98.7's CD!

Erika Frankel's (C'00) campaign for Frontrunners

Judging by how I'm seeing many freshmen enthusiastically using Facebook to campaign for Freshmen elections, many of you undergrad (and alumni) overachievers will appreciate Frontrunners, an upcoming documentary from alum Erika Frankel (C'00)...

Click to

Per Erika, Frontrunners is "our own independent documentary on the race for school president at the most competitive high school in the country, Stuyvesant High School in New York City. At Stuyvesant, we discovered a bunch of very smart, very funny people whose political tactics are just as calculated as our nation's leaders, leaving us to wonder whether political animals are born or made…"

This sounds scandalously delicious to me!

Frontrunners will be making its big screen debut at the Angelika (in NY) as part of the IFP Film Market on Monday Sept. 17 @ 2:00pm and Wednesday Sept. 19 @ 1:45pm.

If you/ your company are registered to attend the market, Erika hopes you will come and see her film! Otherwise, please email her for more information: frankel@suhfilms.com

Click here to watch the trailer

Click to learn how Erika got her start as a documentary film producer

Learn more about Frontrunners

Check out more Penn documentary filmmakers

Click to see what other 2000 Penn grads are up to

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Submitting a story to Dueling Tampons: What you need to know...

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READ MORE - Erika Frankel's (C'00) campaign for Frontrunners

TV Alert!: Dr. Zach Lutsky on TLC's Diagnosis X TONIGHT! (9/12)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sorry for the last minute post, but I just found out that Dr. Zach Lutsky (C'97) will appear on Diagnosis X tonight (Wednesday, 9/12) on the TLC channel at 10 pm!

Tonight's epsiode:
Family Secrets
An active duty soldier returns from the Mideast only to fall mysteriously ill. After putting him in isolation, doctors race to solve the puzzling condition. Also, doctors must figure out what is making a healthy teen have vivid hallucinations.

Check out my other post about Zach

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READ MORE - TV Alert!: Dr. Zach Lutsky on TLC's Diagnosis X TONIGHT! (9/12)

Aaron Karo (W'01) celebrates 10 years of ruminations

Aaron Karo at Pennfest 2006

Stand-up Aaron Karo (W'01) has something to celebrate.

When Aaron was a freshman at Penn in 1997, he sent a funny email to twenty buddies from high school. That email spawned a regular email column entitled "Ruminations," which soon attracted readers nationwide. Simon & Schuster published compilations of the column in two bestselling books, "Ruminations on College Life" and "Ruminations on Twentysomething Life."

This month marks the official ten year anniversary of his book Ruminations.

Sample these 3 "ruminations" from Aaron's "best of" collection:

-"I’ve found that when I’m on the treadmill I tend to slyly glance at the person next to me to see how fast they’re running. Like we’re in some sort of crazy race that goes nowhere.

-"My college girlfriend recently got engaged to my fraternity brother, who she dated immediately after me. Like I always say, if you’re gonna lose in the playoffs, might as well be to the team that wins the championship. "

-"I think that people's reaction when I tell them that I don't drink coffee is equivalent to my reaction when people tell me that they don't drink alcohol. "

Click to read how Aaron got his start as a stand up

Click to watch a clip of Aaron's stand up

Click to purchase Aaron's books

Click to see what other 2001 Penn grads are up to

Click to check out other Penn stand-ups!

Check out more photos of Pennfest 2006!

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READ MORE - Aaron Karo (W'01) celebrates 10 years of ruminations

Taking a stroll through the Quad...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Check out this video of the Quad I found online. Things have gotten way nicer in there since the mid 90s!

Click here to take a walk through the Quad!
READ MORE - Taking a stroll through the Quad...

Ben Katz (W'01, WG'02) gets Nailed

Today Ben Katz's (W'01, WG'02) new horror film Nailed is released nationwide today.

From Ben's site nailedmovie.com, "Nailed is a psycho-thriller about two criminals, fleeing from a drug sting, who break into a dilapidated home. Within the apparently empty home they find instead a man lying on a bed, covered in bandages, whose caretaker may have intentions that are less than honorable. All is not as it seems as things begin to go wrong for the thieves, bringing the supernatural and the horrific into play. "

Per Ben, "We shot this in our free time (8 days) while we were filming Johnny Was (featured in Pennfest 2006) in Belfast, then shot exteriors in Compton (4 days) last summer. Now we have a scary horror film for you. I hope you like it!"

Ben isn't the only alum out there with a horror film. ...Stay tuned in the coming weeks for an upcoming story about another Penn producer and Penn writer joining forces to produce a horror film...

Click here to watch the trailer!

Click here to read how Ben got his start as a Producer

Click to check out other Penn film producers

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READ MORE - Ben Katz (W'01, WG'02) gets Nailed

Exclusive Videos!: Gabriel Mann (C'95) rocks out at CD Release Party!

Monday, September 10, 2007

On Saturday night I went to Gabriel Mann's (C'95, Off the Beat) CD release party. Gabe and his band took the stage and rocked the house! It was amazing to see how many people came out to see his show and (upon looking around) were mouthing the words to the album he just released this past Tuesday!

Some of my favorite songs of his are "California Rain", "Drive", "Eight Feet Tall" and "Shadows of Tall Buildings".

Besides having toured with Alanis Morrisette and having his music featured on various MTV and CW shows, I learned last night that there are some upcoming projects of his that will be pretty exciting ...which I'll report on at a later date!

Click here for 10 exclusive videos of Gabe's performances from this CD release party!

Get his CD!

Click to see my other Gabriel Mann posts

Click here to see how Gabe got his start in the music business

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Submitting a story to Dueling Tampons: What you need to know...

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READ MORE - Exclusive Videos!: Gabriel Mann (C'95) rocks out at CD Release Party!

Dara Cook (C'95) needs your vote to guest anchor for ABC News

In replacing one of its anchors, ABC News Now has decided to challenge America to send in audition videos to guest anchor on "What's the Buzz"!

And Penn alum producer Dara Cook (W'95) is in the final 3 ...and she needs your vote by September 30!

Click here to watch her audition video

Click here to vote for Dara!

Click here to learn more about Dara's beginnings

Click to see what other 1995 Penn grads are up to

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READ MORE - Dara Cook (C'95) needs your vote to guest anchor for ABC News

PENNarts: ...Penn's Performing arts future looking bright

Sunday, September 9, 2007

As there seems to be more and more creative people attending Penn, Ty Furman, Director of the Platt Student Performing Arts House emailed me to let me know that this year Penn started a new pre-orientation program in the arts called PENNarts.

Per Ty, "31 Freshmen came to Penn 4 days early and took master classes in music, theatre and print making, took a mural arts tour in Philadelphia, saw a fringe show, had panels with arts faculty, administrators and students and closed their time with their own showcase in the Platt Student Performing Arts House."

Lots of talent here. The big question will be...which groups will these freshmen join? Quadramics? Glee Club? Mask and Wig? Off the Beat? Penn Singers? Penn Band? ...Keep us posted!

READ MORE - PENNarts: ...Penn's Performing arts future looking bright



