RSS Feeds

Saturday, January 6, 2007

1) What is RSS?

"RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated digital content, such as blogs, news feeds or podcasts. Users of RSS content use programs called feed 'readers' or 'aggregators': the user 'subscribes' to a feed by supplying to their reader a link to the feed; the reader can then check the user's subscribed feeds to see if any of those feeds have new content since the last time it checked, and if so, retrieve that content and present it to the user."

2) Here are some good videos which will give you further info about RSS feeds:

...and a good video on how to get a Google reader:

3) Subscribe to Dueling Tampons RSS Feeds:

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Monday, January 1, 2007

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Submiting a Story to Dueling Tampons: What you need to know...

Hi Penn undergrads and alumni,

If you want me to consider doing a feature on you, please email the following information to me at

1) Your name, class year and activities you were involved in at Penn

2) What news you would like me to consider

3) A blurb about how you got your start doing what you're currently doing.

4) (If relevant) Please upload a video clip to my site by visiting:

5) What other Penn undergrads or alumni are involved in the news/video you just submitted? Please let me know their
  • -names
  • -school and
  • -class year (i.e. "C'07, W'07, Eng'07).

6) Submit a picture you would like me to consider 
  • as it relates to your story
  • of yourself to use in my post

7) Additional media requested:

  • a) Any relevant weblinks related to your news
  • b) If you're an actor, upload your headshot here: (recommended size: 500x500, no more than 5 MB)
  • c) If you're submitting a story for my "Music Monday" series, please also email

    an mp3 of the song you want me to feature

  • d) If you're submitting a story for my "Website Wednesday" series, please also send:

- a screengrab of the site
-links to 3 articles you would like to highlight
-a blurb about the site

  • e) If you're an author please email me a couple of pages (in pdf format) from your book AND an image of the cover of your book ....AND please post your advice on being:
  • ----a novelist HERE:
1) Your credits
2) How did you get your start?
3) What's your path to getting published?
--a) What classes should you take?
--b) What books should an aspiring author read?
--c) How do you get an agent?
--d) How do you get a publisher?
--e) Writing programs to use?
4) Events for networking
6) Groups to join?
7)Which Penn alumni in the business has/have hleped you out?
8) Any other advice?
  • ----a screenwriter HERE:
1) Your credits?
2) What classes should you take?
3) Writing programs to use?
4) Registering your work
5) Events to go to network
6) Groups to join?
7) Best place in LA to write?
8) Which Penn alumni in the business has/have helped you out?
9) Any other advice?
  • ---an actor
1) Upload your headshot HERE (recommended size: 500x500, no more than 5 MB)
2) Upload your actor reel HERE

8) If you are a creative type, go ahead and pitch me a title for the post.  (Think about what will get users clicking to read more. ) The more creative, the better!


9) May Penn undergrads and alumni contact you for career advice? If so, what is the best email address for them to get in touch with you?

10) Are there any other alumni working in entertainment who you know who you think I should get in touch with to turn them onto the site?

11) Please add me as a friend

12) Finally, do you still have your Penn card when you were a student?  Are you able to scan your card and email it to me (  I'm hoping to collect at least one Penn card from each class year for a big showcase of the changing styles of the Penn card.

Please note that due to a large number of submissions it may be several weeks before your story is published. If you don't see your story within 3-4 weeks, feel free to email me to follow-up.  

*Please subscribe to the DT newsletter HERE so you can look out for when the article on you will be published.

READ MORE - Submiting a Story to Dueling Tampons: What you need to know...

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