This Locust Walk Video Reminds Me of The First Mask and Wig Bit I Ever Starred In

Thursday, August 27, 2009

In continuing my "Delicious Leftovers" week, the following 2 videos were submitted by Kiera Reilly (C'93, Director, Alumni Travel, Associate Director, Global Alumni Network) about 2 years ago and somehow they slipped through the cracks.

UPenn's Locust WalkIn the following clip, Phi Kappa Sigma raises money for Leukemia on Locust Walk via a bike "ride-athon".  How many of these "-athons" have we all been a part of in one form or another on Locust Walk?

This actually reminds me of one of the first bits I ever starred in for Mask and Wig when I was a freshman. It was called "Gamma-Lam Read-athon".  The premise of the bit had sorority sisters trying to draw attention to their "readathon" (guy on rocking chair sleeping).  After several "Gamma-Lam Readathon, check it outs" and "any spare change will do", a guy walks by and pulls out his kidney and puts it in the money jar.   The bit ended with "organ donors get no respect".  I realize as I'm writing this that this doesn't exactly translate, but it was funny.

Speaking of Locust Walk, check out this "Fall" nighttime video:

UPenn Leftovers

More Locust Walk shenanigans HERE!

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