Her Brothers and Sisters "Meshugana" Episodes: Based On Her Own Life!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Brothers and Sisters
Last week, I posted a video about a Penn alum asking our Penn in Pictures panel about their advice about writing successful spec scripts.

Today's question from our audience to Sherri Cooper Landsman (C'94) is:
"Where do you get your ideas for stories on "Brothers and Sisters"?
...Find out which episodes were inspired from Sherri's own life!

Any suggestions of your own to offer our Penn community?  Comment below!

In the coming week, I will consolidate the remaining Penn in Pictures Q&A videos in a few more posts organized by speaker.

A special thanks to editor David Chalfin (C'96), a fantastic editor living in Los Angeles who recorded and edited all the Penn in Pictures videos. Check out his reel here!  

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