Music Mondays: His Music is Wicked Awesome

Monday, April 14, 2008

Music Mondays
He's an actor and a singer and he's performing in the ensemble of a hot musical here in Los Angeles.

DJ Gregory (W'03, Off the Beat) is now performing in the ensemble of the cast of Marc Platt's (C'79) Wicked (8 shows a week!) at the Pantages Theater in Los Angeles, and also understudies the lead role of Fiyero. This October, DJ debuts in the Bret Easton Ellis feature film, The Informers (starring Winona Ryder).

In addition to being an actor, DJ (going by "David James") is an acoustic rock musician. Last year he released his debut EP, 'West River Drive,'. Listen below to this fantastic song of his...

Click for the meaning behind this song!...+/-

Per DJ:
"I always tell the story at live shows that 'I Don't Want To Be Your Friend," is about the 'friend-zone.' It's about that place you get to when you allow someone, who you long for romantically, to be your friend. And then because of how close you get to them, and how intimate your friendship is, they can't risk losing you, so they don't allow themselves to consider you romantically. I think the title is long, but I thought it was important to say exactly what it is. It's that moment when you realize that your heart is too strong to ignore, and you just lay it out there. I'm done. Here it is. This is what I need. I don't want to be your friend."

How awesome is this song? Tell me you can't already hear this playing on the radio or the montage music of a TV show or film?! Alumni out there, take note!

....I'm hoping we'll be able to be lucky enough to have DJ perform in a future Pennfest.

Find out how DJ got his start and for which popular show he left Penn for a year to tour with (this is cool!)

DAVID JAMES: West River DriveGet his West River Drive CD here!

DJ's myspace page

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