His "Foray" into Characters and Camera Movements

Monday, April 7, 2008

Brendan MarnellIn addition to "The Lift" and "Ephemera", Brendan Marnell (C'05) has now sent us yet another animation he created during his senior year at Penn.

Per Brendan, "'Foray is more of a formalist exercise than anything else. I focused on designing and rigging characters, scale relationships, and camera movements."

Click here to check out "Foray"

Check my other posts about Brendan

Click here to check out more of Brendan's work

More Creative Class Project Videos

This is a very cool video and the colors and vibrancy reminds me of one of those Dali paintings like the one you see below.

Dali Click to see what other 2005 Penn grads are up to

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