Funny Fridays: Their Comedy is Absurdly In-Tune

Friday, March 14, 2008

For my second installment in my "Funny Friday" series, Danish Rhythm's Spencer Crawford (C'05, Mask and Wig) and Gary Lundy (C'05, Mask and Wig) debate getting a piano tuned...with deadly consequences. Trust me when I say you'll watch this video and get strangely, yet pleasantly drawn in...

Click here to check out this very funny video

Speaking of Danish Rhythm, I recently went to see their monthly live show and it was very funny. Danish Rhythm definitely has a refreshingly absurd sense of humor that gets me invested from the very beginning of their bits. Watch this space for videos from the show! (Their next Los Angeles show is Monday, March 24. More info here.)

Check out these other funny videos from Danish Rhythm

All my "Funny Friday" posts here!

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