Vote now to put Gabriel Mann (C'95) on Star98.7's CD!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

On the heels of his new album release, Tall Buildings, I just learned that Gabriel Mann's (C'95, Off the Beat) new song Unbroken is up for a vote to be included on Star 98.7's star lounge cd. (A couple of weeks ago I reported on this contest.)

Click here to listen to Unbroken and then
(Songs are in alphabetical order, so make sure you get to the "u"'s if you choose to browse through site here)

Voting begins TODAY, 9/13, and ends on 9/19, 5 pm PST. (one vote per email). If the song makes it makes it into the final 10 (with your help of course!), Gabe gets to go into another round. come now.

On a related Gabe note, Gabe's title track from his new record, "Shadows of Tall Buildings", was featured as the closing song on MTV's "The Hills."
Click here to go to The Hills Ep. 304, section: Life's hard at -2:10 until the end.

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